Our story begins with our Director Casey Wood Barrentine, whose personal encounter with a young man struggling with addiction ignited a passion to make a difference. Through her family's support and the conviction of divine calling, Casey embarked on a mission to provide tangible assistance to those seeking recovery in local treatment centers.
What started as a humble endeavor quickly grew into a vibrant ministry, touching the lives of hundreds in the Mississippi Delta region.
Meet Our Board Members
Bubba Deloach
“Married for 30 years, we've lived in the Greenwood/ Carroll county area all our lives. We co-founded DeLoach Insurance Services in 2015, specializing in agriculture insurance. Active members of First Baptist Church, we enjoy travel, hosting gatherings, and game nights.”
David Bartlett
“As Pastor at Hill View Baptist Church, I find joy in witnessing the growth of my six grandchildren in faith. Alongside my wife Sandy, we are proud parents of Jordan, Andrew, and Caleb.”
Erin Jacobs Stagner
“My husband Randy and I devote our time to volunteering with organizations like Greenwood Little Theatre, Delta Streets, and Hush Puppy Music Coop. Our family, including daughters Maggie, Abbie, and Lydia, is our priority. Randy works at ProMedic Upfitters and I practice as a Chiropractor.”
Meagan Cascio
“I have been married to my husband Chris for a decade and our family includes three wonderful children: Robert, Reed, and Rivers. Volunteering with various mission groups and our church brings me fulfillment.”